Modus Trading
  Trade Like the Professionals
Modus Trading

Learn to Trade Commodities

"You can learn commodity trading by experience -
take your time but be careful."

Please don't try this! In the fullness of time perhaps you could learn to trade commodities well but this would still be difficult.

Successful traders use experience and techniques that has been passed on by previous generations.

Trading mistakes are invariably expensive and learning by trial and error is likely to use up all the capital you have to spare for trading well before you have learned what you need to know to remain in business.

Some amount of experience is necessary to achieve success in any activity but systems traders are not advised to learn by experience alone.

In professional circles, knowledge has been accumulating and refined over several decades and so new entrants are handed down a body of knowledge and best practice.

Outsiders wishing to trade commodities do not enjoy this benefit and so they nearly always decide to start from scratch, usually encouraged by others with ulterior motives.

The outcome is well known - most of these newcomers lose their trading capital before they have learned enough to give them any chance of success.

What did they do wrong? They did not try to find out the things that all successful traders do.

They did not discover that every trader needs a sound and complete method, which he must always follow.

In short, they did not start out on the right track.

Make sure you do not attempt to learn how to trade commodities by personal experience. Find out how successful professional traders go about it and copy them.

As your studies proceed, you will find plenty of scope to introduce your own ideas and judgment to influence your success.


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  David Bromley
  David Bromley helps
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  trading method to compete
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