Line Channel
by Michael Ferguson
I have been using the draw line feature to help set up
trade opportunities visually. For trading the e-mini a
percent value of 0.135 creates a channel that equals two
points. I set the upper blue line at the stop level I would
use in a trade. I set the price in my online order ticket
to the value of the red line. Then I have a picture of my
stop and reward to risk ratio on screen when I make a
reject/not-reject decision. A one to one ratio is not good,
so I am looking for an entry that has a reasonable chance of
not being stopped out, and that has better downside
potential than the lower blue line.
This is a tactical tool that I am experimenting with as I
am learning to trade. It is not a trade recommendation. It
is an idea that someone may be able to use or improve.
I move this line up and down continually as I follow the
market action, and keep the price in the ticket equal to the
level of the line on the chart to help prevent entering on
the wrong side of the trade.