52 Week Low Price and Date



The 52 week low is the lowest price attained by the security within the last 52 weeks. This value is updated monthly. (see also calendar year low)

Filtering with the 52 Week Low Price:

When filtering with the 52 week low, take in consideration the value of the stock you are looking for. Searching for a low will typically give you when the stock is at a bottom of that year. It is also important with the 52 week low to add more criteria for limiting results.

Sample Filter to find any stock that's 52 week low is greater or equal to 5$:

Filtering with the 52 Week Low Date:

You can also filter for stocks that have reached a 52 week low in the last (X) days (where X is any date upto 52 weeks in the past). When searching for 52 week lows, only the lowest point in the last 52 weeks is recorded.

Sample Filter to find any stock that has reached a 52 week low since 2001-JAN-05
(ie anything in the last 52 weeks):

Please note: the date format (YYYY-MMM-DD) and the operator (greater than or Equal To)