Modus Trading
  Trade Like the Professionals
Modus Trading

What is ideas mining?

Ideas mining is a term used in the MODUS System Builder Course. It just means digging out ideas - but in the context of the course, Bob was explaining his method of producing new ideas for creating system rules.

System rules are the rules for entering and leaving the market that your system will use to generate the signals you will send to your broker - if you are live trading - or that you will use in your system tests if you are evaluating systems.

Anybody can create system rules if they want to. The System Builder Course teaches you that you definitely can create your own rules if you want to and that they are likely to be just as good as rules you can obtain from any other source.

The System Builder Course helps you to create and program your own rules into high quality trading software. The purpose of the course is to take you from ‘square one’ – getting ideas, right through the process of coming up with new rules and evaluating them thoroughly to see if they suit your personal requirements.

Ideas mining is a 9 stage procedure to help you create, test and evaluate your own rules, using software called Trading Blox System Tester, which is a special version of Trading Blox – ‘written by traders, for traders’.


Modus Trading
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  David Bromley
  David Bromley helps
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