Modus Trading
  Trade Like the Professionals
Modus Trading

Trading Essential 134

"The most important thing of all
is to follow your system."

Have a system and follow it. That's what Jesse Livermore advised in the famous book "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator".

This advice dates back to the very beginnings of systems trading, well before computers were available. However, even in those days the great traders were aware of the need for systematic trading.

Although you will hear these words quoted frequently, they are not well
understood by even those who utter them and the advice they contain is poorly practiced.

"Follow Your System" is truly the First Commandment of systems trading. Anyone wishing to study commodity trading should make it his primary aim to discover the real meaning of this sentence.

By taking the trouble to understand what it means to 'follow your system', the student will be doing himself the big favor of getting on the right track to success as a commodity trader.

If you are a newcomer to commodity trading, it is likely that being advised to follow your system is somewhat perplexing and brings a number of questions into your mind, such as:

Why would anyone have a system if they did not intend to follow it?

What on earth can be so difficult about following a system, that people make such a fuss about it?

Yes, it all sounds outrageous, so surely there must be more to it than appears on the surface.

To say any more here would be too much - but if and when you decide to study this subject in more depth, it is recommended that you begin by reading the article The First Commandment For Trading


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  David Bromley
  David Bromley helps
  new and aspiring systems
  traders establish a complete
  trading method to compete
  with the professionals