Modus Trading
  Trade Like the Professionals
Modus Trading

Purchased Trading Systems

"Just buy a well known system
- and run it"

Professional system traders know that anybody is capable of producing system rules that can be traded successfully.

Never show prejudice towards any system - as long as it can show it is capable of meeting your personal trading goals, there is no reason to reject any system.

On top of this though, you may have your own preferences - for example some traders prefer to use system rules that other traders have found successful, whereas other traders insist on having their own unique rules.

Either of those views is perfectly valid and only you can make that decision.

But whatever you decide, before using any system it is essential that you evaluate it thoroughly to confirm its suitability - for you. This is a fundamental principle of systems trading.

Remember that you must have confidence in your system before you can feel comfortable delegating it for running without interference, on your computer.

If you are contemplating using a purchased system, the only potential problem is how you can fully evaluate it to confirm its suitability before you buy it.

The fact that other traders have had success with a system does not mean that you will too. For instance, their attitude to risk might be quite different to yours.

No, it is essential to ensure that your evaluation can demonstrate that the system is capable of meeting your requirements.

If the system offered can be provided on a sale or return basis, then you may be able to evaluate it before making your final decision.

Satisfy yourself that you will be able to return any purchased system if your evaluation shows it cannot pass your tests.


Modus Trading
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Copyright David Bromley 2006
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  David Bromley
  David Bromley helps
  new and aspiring systems
  traders establish a complete
  trading method to compete
  with the professionals