Bulkowski’s Cup with Handle

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Some regard the cup with handle as a pattern of exceptional ability. My testing says otherwise. If you follow O’Neil’s criteria exactly, you’ll find less than 9% qualify. My cups perform nearly as well and substantially more appear. I don’t believe O’Neil discovered this pattern but he certainly popularized it in his book, How to Make Money in Stocks. For more information see pages 149 to 163 of the book Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Second Edition and read the following...

A cup with handle chart pattern

Important Bull Market Results

Overall performance rank (1 is best): 13 out of 23
Break even failure rate: 5%
Average rise: 34%
Throwback rate: 58%
Percentage meeting price target: 50%

Identification Guidelines

The following guidelines are a subset of O’Neil’s, but performance is nearly as good and candidates plentiful using this approach.

Characteristic Discussion
Price trend Upward leading to the pattern. Price should rise by at least 30% leading to the cup.
Shape A rounded turn that looks like a cup with a handle on the right.
U-shaped cup The cup should be U-shaped, not V-shaped.
Handle The cup must have a handle on the right.
Cup duration From 7 to 65 weeks
Handle duration 1 week minimum but usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks.
Handle Forms in upper half of cup.
Cup Cup rims should be near the same price level.

Trading Tips

Trading Tactic Explanation
Measure rule Measure the height from the right cup lip (A) to the lowest valley (B) then multiply by the above “percentage meeting price target.” Add the result to the breakout price (A) to get a target.
Inner cup Cups often form within cups (points 1 and 2), so trade the inner cup when price rises above the handle (the dashed green line at point 3).
Trendline If possible, draw a down-sloping trendline along the handle peaks. A close above the trendline signals an early buy. I show this as the blue line extending down from point A on the chart to the right.
Buy Buy when price closes above the right cup rim (point A, and the top horizontal red line).
Warning Price tends to rise 10% or 15% and then reverses, heading down. Sell quickly or you may take a loss.
Stop The handle low (point C) is a good place to put a stop. Raise the stop as price rises.
Continuations Patterns that act as continuations of the price trend substantially outperform those acting as reversals.
Throwbacks Throwbacks hurt performance.
Short handle Handles shorter than the median 23 days show superior postbreakout performance.
Volume shape Cups with U-shaped volume tend to perform better postbreakout.

Cup with handle measure rule

The Measure Rule


Adam & Adam double top chart pattern example

The above figure shows an example of a cup with handle chart pattern. The rise leading to the cup with handle begins at C and reaches the left cup lip at point A. Since this is on the weekly scale, the price chart appears narrower than usual, but price rounds downward forming a cup with the right cup lip at B. The handle lasts a few weeks before price begins moving up. The next week, price rockets upward about seven points.

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