================== Daily RSI - Close ================== A prerequisite for this indicator is Jose Silva's "Calendar Day counter". "Daily RSI - Close" plots a daily RSI signal of the closing price on any intraday chart with sufficient historical data. ---8<--------------------------- {Daily RSI - Close} {© 2004 Roy Larsen, rlarsen@man.quik.co.nz} {for use on intraday charts with Jose Silva's "Calendar Day counter"} N:=Input("Daily RSI - Close Periods",1,99,10); Pc:=1/N; A:=Input("Hour of Last Daily Bar" ,0,23,16); B:=Input("Minute of Last Daily Bar",0,59,00); Q:=Input("Display Mode, 0=Static 1=Dynamic 2=Test",0,2,2); {0=Display, update at last bar of day} {1=Display, update on each new bar} {2=Backtest, update on first bar of new day} G:=LastValue(Highest(Sum(DayOfWeek()<> ValueWhen(2,1,DayOfWeek()),5))=5); I:=Fml("Calendar Day counter"); I:=Abs(I-ValueWhen(2-G,1,I)); M:=G OR I>0; F:=G OR (Hour()=A AND Minute()=B); A:=LastValue(Cum(1)-1)=Cum(1); B:=LastValue(Cum(1))=Cum(1); J:=If(F,1,If(Alert(F,2)=0 AND M,2,0)); J:=If(A+LastValue(J)>2 OR B+(Q=1)=2,1,J); J:=If(G,1,If(Q=2 OR Cum(J)<=1,M*2,J)); K:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,C,ValueWhen(2-G,1,C))); K:=ValueWhen(1,K>0,K); Ua:=ValueWhen(1,J>0,K); Da:=ValueWhen(2,J>0,K); Ub:=If(Ua>Da,Ua-Da,0); Db:=If(Ua0)=N+1,Cum(If(J AND Cum(1)<>1,Ub, 0))/N,ValueWhen(1,J>0,PREV)*(1-Pc)+Ub*Pc); D:=If(Cum(J>0)=N+1,Cum(If(J AND Cum(1)<>1,Db, 0))/N,ValueWhen(1,J>0,PREV)*(1-Pc)+Db*Pc); D:=If(D=0,U,D); D:=ValueWhen(1,D>0,D); R:=100-(100/(1+(U/D))); If(ValueWhen(N+1,J,R)>0,R,R); ---8<--------------------------- http://www.metastocktips.co.nz/